Who Paterson, Grant & Watson?

In 1973 geophysical pioneers Norman Paterson, Fraser Grant, and Roger Watson founded PGW to fill the void of providing consulting, data processing and interpretation services in exploration geophysics for mineral, hydrocarbon, groundwater and environmental applications. Together, they - along with James Misener - build the foundation to what became a titan in Exploration Geophysics.

The early days of PGW, circa 1975. From left to right: James Misener, Roger Watson, Norman Paterson, and Fraser Grant.

The early days of PGW, circa 1975. From left to right: James Misener, Roger Watson, Norman Paterson, and Fraser Grant.

Since its inception, PGW has established a world-renowned reputation for providing consulting, project management, data processing, interpretation and training services in the application of airborne and ground geophysics to resource exploration. From the 1980s to early 2000s, PGW was integral to the computational geophysics revolution by developing the roots of what would become Geosoft Inc., today an industry-leading geophysics/geochemistry/GIS software system. PGW subsequently developed and implemented many industry-standard extensions for Geosoft’s Oasis Montaj including Microlevelling, Keating Coefficient, Source Parameter Imaging, and Source Edge Detection.

The third-generation ownership of PGW: Stephen Reford (left) and Edna Mueller-Markham (right).

PGW is currently on its third ownership team comprising of Stephen Reford and Edna Mueller-Markham, who took over as President and Vice-President, respectively, in March 2016. The core PGW team includes four senior geophysicists one staff geophysicist, who together collaborate using their respective area of expertise to provide detailed and unique solutions on projects around the globe.

Meet the PGW Team

Our team of experts have extensive experience in a wide range of methods and techniques to make sure you find the right person for the job.

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Branches and Representation

PGW has branches & representatives around to world to provide you with local knowledge and agents.

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  • PGW aims to be your partner in discovery using geological knowledge to enhance and constrain the geophysical interpretation of your data.
    - PGW